
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller. These words are a poignant reminder of the transformative power of collaboration and partnership and sets the tone for the Global Food & Agriculture Sustainability Symposium, where we embark on a journey of exploration and collaboration to navigate the evolving landscape of sustainability and unite standards for enhanced impact.

As the world faces unprecedented challenges, from climate change to economic volatility, the need for sustainable solutions in the food and agriculture sectors has never been more pressing. Our symposium serves to bring together thought and industry leaders, innovators, policymakers, and change-makers to chart a concerted course towards a more sustainable future.                

Building on the success of our previous symposiums, which have spotlighted topics ranging from leveraging technology for sustainable food production to aligning efforts with the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030, we are thrilled to announce our upcoming event in Vietnam.

Scheduled for June 10 - 12, 2024, in Ho Chi Minh City, this year’s symposium will focus on "Navigating the Evolving Landscape: Uniting Standards for Enhanced Sustainability Impact." It's a call to action for all stakeholders to come together, share insights, and forge partnerships that will drive meaningful change.

Join us as we explore innovative approaches to empower sustainability through certification and policy. Dive into discussions on climate change mitigation, regional food production adaptation, and the crucial role of industry standards in amplifying sustainability efforts.

We welcome you to be part of a global movement towards a more sustainable future. Whether you're a seasoned expert or a passionate newcomer to the field, your voice matters. We invite you to join us in Ho Chi Minh City as we unite to create a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.

Secure your spot at the forefront of sustainability as in-person registrations are limited. Apply now to attend the Global Food & Agriculture Sustainability Symposium and  be a catalyst for positive change. Together, let's navigate the evolving landscape and make a lasting impact on the world. "Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." - Ryunosuke Satoro.

#SustainableFuture #GlobalImpact #FoodSecurity 🌿🌏


Sheraton Saigon Grand Opera Hotel

Full Address

88 Dong Khoi, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam



Event Date
10 - 12 June 2024

Event Type

What Can You Expect?

Register now to reserve your limited seat or join us via Zoom for the webinar. Don't miss out!